Application Model:
Available in the following link by clicking here or using the following form.
Rate Model 790
The application must be accompanied by the following documentation:
- Certified copy of the document proving the identity and nationality of the applicant, issued by the competentauthorities of the country of origin or residence or by theSpanish authorities competent in immigration matters. In the case of Spanish citizens, certified photocopy of thenational identity document or authorization to verify theidentity data held by the Administration.
- Certified copy of the title for which recognition isrequested or the certification of its issuance, and, ifapplicable, the corresponding official translation.
- Certified copy of the academic certification of the studiescarried out to obtain the degree, including, among otherdetails, the official duration in academic years of thecurriculum followed, the subjects studied, and the total workload of each of them expressed in hours or ECTS (European credits), and, if applicable, the correspondingofficial translation.
- Proof of payment of the fee.
- Accreditation of the linguistic competence necessary for the exercise in Spain of the corresponding regulated profession (see Article 17 of Order ECD/2654/2015, of December 3).
The above documents are essential to initiate theprocedure. Subsequently, if additional documentation isneeded, it will be requested.
Specific Documentation
In the following cases, in addition to the documentationindicated to initiate the process, it is necessary to submitthe following specific documentation:
- Recognition of the title granting access to the regulatedprofession of: Civil Engineer, Mining Engineer, Industrial Engineer, Aeronautical Engineer, Agricultural Engineer, Forestry Engineer, Naval and Oceanic Engineer, Telecommunication Engineer, Secondary EducationTeacher, and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training, and Language Teaching.
- Recognition of the title granting access to the regulatedprofession of Medical Doctor.
If the title to be recognized was obtained more than 6 years prior to the date of application submission, documentation proving professional practice underconditions of autonomy and not associated or supervised, or continuous training of at least 3 years within the last 5 years must be submitted. When the graduate resides in a country other than the one where the title was obtainedand cannot prove professional experience in recent yearsin the country of issuance, in addition to documentsproving professional practice as an autonomous doctor, theinterested party must provide certification from theinstitution and a copy of the recognition of their degreeenabling them to practice as a doctor in said country ofresidence.
All documents provided must be official and issued by thecompetent authorities in accordance with the legal systemof the country concerned. Likewise, where necessary, original documents must be duly legalized.
NOTE: Applicants for recognition of foreign highereducation degrees to the corresponding official Spanishuniversity degree granting access to the regulatedprofession of Medical Doctor in Spain are not required toprovide training programs unless they obtained theirdegree from one of the universities included in thefollowing annex External link (unless expressly requestedby the processing unit).
The competent authorities for certifying copies ofdocuments are:
Submission of the application:
At any public registry of the General State Administration, Autonomous Communities, and some Local Administrations (numerous City Councils have signedagreements that allow them to act as Public Registries).
Final resolution:
The resolutions for the recognition of foreign highereducation degrees will be formalized by means of a credential issued by the Subdirectorate General of Titles ofthe Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.
Withdrawal of the credential:
The credential can be withdrawn in person or through a person or agency duly authorized by Notarial Power ofAttorney or written authorization, signed by the interestedparty and accompanied by photocopies of the NationalIdentity Document or Passport of the interested party and the authorized person.
Place and time for withdrawal of the credential: Subdirectorate General of Titles, Paseo de la Castellana 162, 28046 Madrid.
From Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 14:00 hours
Service closed on December 24 and 31. In the event thatthis service cannot be offered on any other day, it will be announced in advance on this same page.
Delivery of the credential in other dependencies:
The interested party may request, by means of a writtenrequest addressed to the Subdirectorate General of Titles, that their credential be sent to the High Inspection Area ofEducation of the Government Delegation or in the Sub-delegation of the Government where they wish to appearfor withdrawal.
If applicable, they may request, through the same channel, that the credential be sent to the Education Department ofthe Spanish Embassy where they wish to proceed with itswithdrawal.
Deadline for the completion of certain additional training requirements:
When recognition is conditioned on the completion ofcertain additional training requirements, the deadline forregistration for the exams at the university will depend onthe regulations under which the application was processed.
Applications processed in accordance with Royal Decree86/1987, of January 16: deadline completed.
Applications processed in accordance with Royal Decree285/2004, of February 20: the deadline expires once 4 years have elapsed from the date of notification of theresolution.
Applications processed in accordance with Royal Decree 967/2014, of November 21: the deadline expires once 6 years have elapsed from the date of notification of the resolution.